
Friday 10 October 2008


The group of 2nd C has worked on this topic. Here you find some of the ideas that have come out in class. Please, write a comment with your opinion. Remember that we are working for and against points of view, so give arguments supporting one of the sides.
- Driving when partying: ad: if you drink, do not drive.

- Young people drink and smoke and take drugs

- People don’t think about drugs effect. Irresponsibility.

- Some people have sex without taking protection

- Young people go out at night and arrive home early in the morning.
o Sometimes not
oBreakfast and go to sleep

-There are other duties that keep people away from partying

-Most young people never drink water or fizzy drinks, only spirits.
oTickets are too expensive just to buy non-alcohol drinks
oDiscos use bad quality drinks (garrafon)

- Under age people are allowed to clubs and they are sold alcohol.

- Attitude of young people: they pretend to be older than they really are

- The age to start going out is going down; from 12 onwards

- Girls have the advantage to go in for free in clubs

- Going out is expensive (at night it is more expensive, it depends on the place). Between 20 and 100 euros (very extraordinary weekend: birthdays, new year’s eve…)

- You find the same everywhere you go
o Disagree…depending on the place
o Everything is packed, music quite similar,
o People may be different, types, clothes


Anonymous said...

I think that the young people start going out earlier, and this provokes that they drink, smoke and take drugs.
Moreover, go partying is more expensive.
If the responsables of the discos don't allow enter the young people, the young people don't start to go out earlier. His parents must to prohibit go partying.

LS! :)

Anonymous said...

We agree with the fact that people that drink alcohol don't drive. Young people are very irresponsable and take drugs without thinking in their consecuences.
Also, young people practise sex without protection, this is a dangerous problem because it can cause non-desired pregnancies and venerean diseasers.

Kisses to our English teacher.

Anonymous said...

Some young people go to the party, drink, take drugs, have sex without taking protection, without think in consequences. Now right, other people are responsibility. For example, if he drink, he won't drive.


Anonymous said...

You go out partying desahoga of stress from school! And above all helps you relate with other people, although there is no need to drink alcohol but I encourage them to drink because everybody does and it is the only place where you can do it, because you're not going to drink at home in front of parents! ! But there is no need to take many drinks and get drunk, just everyone knows what you can drink.

E.T/M.L ^^
MUAKIIS(k)(k) =)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I think that all people aren't Irresponsible because the vast part of them think drugs effect.
The best party for my is with buddys, in his houses because We don't pay for begin.
And girls have the advantage to go in for free in clubs, is realy.

How High and peace

Sergiooo and Dani

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, we are Xavier, Jimmy and Charles. Now, we are going to speak about parties.
On the one hand, we think that the parties are the best thing for teenagers.
In the parties, it learn the essencial Spanish values. For example, the people learn to smoke a "Peta", or drinking a lot without throwing up (in Spanish -vomitar).
On the other hand, the people don't organise parties in their houses, because always the parents are at home.

Xavier - Jimmy - Charly brown

Anonymous said...

Hi people! I'm 21 y.o. and i've been going out to party since I was 12.. and sometimes I think about the money i've spent in drinks and entrances, i've calculated more or less 2000 euros per year... but i've to say that I dont take drugs, and i wont take it, beacuse i've seen some of my friends becoming more depressed and useful because of it. Party can be a good excuse for meeting friends (girls specialy) and have fun, but be concious that if you only think in party in your life, you'll have lots of problems: and if you eat drugs, much more. Trust in me!

My Weakness Is My Strenght (MWIMS)
lots of kisses from Marc Calvet :)

Anonymous said...

We don't know that we do the young people. But if there are a thing that i know it's that waste our time on this way is not recommended for anything

(i will continue later the post)
